Manchester News

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Updated: 6 years 10 weeks ago

Building progress at Bedford's Market and Main as first two tenants take shape

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:20
Progress is being made at the new Market and Main development, including the construction of its first two tenants.
Categories: Manchester News

Traffic tech: UNH performing vehicle-to-infrastructure research in Dover

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Researchers at the University of New Hampshire are looking for ways to improve safety with vehicle-to-infrastructure connectivity technology, and the city of Dover will be testing out their devices within the coming months.
Categories: Manchester News

A bad example

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: I am concerned with the picture of the 12-year-old boy doing daredevil stunts on his bike while riding on Elm Street. I am not sure why you would glorify this young man.
Categories: Manchester News

Waiting for Trump to act presidential

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: We've entered as a nation a low point in common sense from all local, state, and national news outlets. And fueling the distorted, so-called fake news is a current President, who instead of using common sense, when tweeting or the like, does not engage his brain before running his diatribe.
Categories: Manchester News

Vote for Van Houten and Beaulieu

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: A recent article in the Union Leader stated that more women may be elected to the Legislature this year than at any other time. The push to get women to run for an elected office has shown exciting results, and 288 women will have their names on the primary ballot in September.
Categories: Manchester News

Taking a knee

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: Did you know that U.S. flag code forbids people from wearing American flag T-shirts, hats, or having it on chairs, etc? Did you know that the Supreme Court in 1943 stated that Jehovah's Witness students could not be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Categories: Manchester News

Jonah Goldberg: Trump's self-interest vs. the public interest

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
THE PRESIDENT of the United States will not talk to special counsel Robert Mueller because his lawyers want to prevent him from walking ' or, rather, talking ' into a perjury trap.
Categories: Manchester News

Steve Negron in the 2nd: A conservative voice for NH

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Steve Negron represents an upbeat, confident conservatism that the Republican Party needs. He is the GOP's best choice in the Second District. Republicans and independents should vote for Steve Negron for Congress on Sept. 11.
Categories: Manchester News

Slipping a spot: Keep an eye on local spending

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Florida slipped past New Hampshire for the top spot in the latest ranking of Freedom in the 50 States from the Cato Institute.
Categories: Manchester News

Sununu presses feds to speed up new anti-tick drug

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Gov. Chris Sununu urged the Trump administration to speed up review for a new natural product that protects against mosquito and tick-borne diseases.
Categories: Manchester News

Know the Law: Employees and their personnel file rights

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Question: My former employee, Bob, wants a copy of his personnel file. Am I required to give it to him?
Categories: Manchester News

Backing Steve Negron

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: For a political junkie like me, it's exciting that my House of Representatives district overlaps both New Hampshire congressional districts. One of my four towns is Atkinson, which is the Second District.
Categories: Manchester News

Jon Morgan for State Senate

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: We have come to know Jon Morgan and his family as neighbors, friends, homeowners, and residents of Brentwood.
Categories: Manchester News

NH Senior Notes: Free workshop in Dover to focus on genealogy

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
Langdon Place of Dover, 60 Middle Road, is hosting a free workshop, 'Beginning GenealogyTracing Your Family's Roots,' at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5.
Categories: Manchester News

A WMUR hit piece

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: WMUR ran an extremely long hit piece on Sen. Andy Sanborn in a ridiculous attempt to smear him as some sort of sexual deviant or predator.
Categories: Manchester News

Sullivan for Congress

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: I am supporting Maura Sullivan because she has the federal experience and strength needed to fight for policies that will help strengthen the people of New Hampshire and the country as a whole.
Categories: Manchester News

Brennan's security clearance

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: Our gutless Republican legislators have stood idly by, as usual, while the draft-dodger-in-chief has irresponsibly revoked the clearance of John Brennan, an American patriot.
Categories: Manchester News

It's all about you

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: We were reading your editorial 'Keene State parachute, Getting paid not to teach' and my friend asked 'How can she the former college president live with herself?'
Categories: Manchester News

Shame on Edwards

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: I say shame on candidate Eddie Edwards! He flaunts the debate rules and thinks he deserves special treatment. As a staunch Republican voter and conservative, I observe that Edwards leans left on many major issues. I also believe that rules apply to everyone.
Categories: Manchester News

Mark Fernald gets it

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:19
To the Editor: Primary election day is Sept. 11, right around the corner. Voters in Senate District 9 have three good candidates to choose among this year, but one stands above the others: Mark Fernald.
Categories: Manchester News
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